Legal notice
In compliance with articles L. 214-159 to L. 214-162 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, the published or the website is:
daphni, SAS, with a capital of 290,000 euros, registered with the Paris Company and Trade Registry, under number 811 341 924, whose head office is located at 87 rue Réaumur, 75002 PARIS, and whose VAT number is FR 31 811 341 924,
Company approved by the AMF under the n° GP 16000002 of 28/01/2016.
Director of the publication
The director of the publication of the website is Pierres-Yvers Meerschman, as President of the company daphni.
The provider ensuring the direct and permanent storage of the website is the company SAS Clever Cloud, SAS with a capital of 22,952€ registered with the Nantes Company and Trade Registry, under number RCS Nantes B 524 172 699.
Its head office is located 3 rue de l’Allier, 44000 Nantes.
VAT number : FR 87 524 172 699
Telephone number : 02 85 52 07 69.